The program to fill your life with Pleasure, Fierceness & Sexual Energy

- For you, your body & your life

Your sexual life is ok-ish, your life is fine , but deep down you know: You have not reached your full potential?

When was the last time you have felt fully ignited, your body tingling with lust (for life), and
you have passionately enjoyed every inch of yourself?

The Pleasure Queen Coaching is perfect for you, if

  • You want to feel at home in your body – crave an intense connection, passionately alive, and filled with a pulsating energy that will ignite your whole life

  • You want to finally LOVE your body and create a deeper connection with her and feel fully alive in your BODY

  • You want to quit looking at sex as a taboo and shift to lust, arousal, orgasms and passion are not just nice-to-haves, but become scenarios that are readily attainable for you

  • You want to unleash your own sexuality, experience and enjoy life deeply (and in turn also build the basis for a fulfilled sex life in your relationship)

  • You have had enough of only being the Queen while meditating or in the safety of the seminar space, and you are ready to conquer the throne of your life as the Sexual Goddess that you are

Okay, Eva, sounds great – but don’t you think that is a bit too much sex?

Is it? Of course, we are not talking about your typical in-out sex. Don’t get me wrong, I love sex – but when I say “sex,” I don’t mean “penetration.”

Sex is a lot more than society has us believe.

Our sexuality is so much more, it is our life’s energy, our vitality, our engine for life – that, what ignites us in all areas of our lives
and what makes us create things with passion.

Whoa, hang on! Adding more pressure to achieve an orgasm?

Not at all! That is the last thing women need. No, the Pleasure Queen Coaching will help you understand how to relax into your sexuality. Be open to everything that is to come, and allow yourself to receive and enjoy it.

You are not chasing the next (or first) orgasm, but let your sexual life energy blossom – which is much more powerful than a short-lived climax (though that is a nice extra).

 Anybody can have sex – why would anyone require coaching for that?

Thousands of years of patriarchy and conditioning have led most women to be somewhat disconnected from their sexual energy. You don’t agree? Just do a quick self check:

  • Do you love, desire, and respect your body – counter to everything that is conveyed by the beauty, fitness, and food industry? 

  • Do you consider intense sexuality – experienced with a partner, but more importantly with yourself – to be a regular, passionate part of your life?

  • Do you know exactly what turns you on and how it feels to fully surrender to that excitement, to allow yourself to let go and fully enjoy it?

  • Do you feel comfortable enough with yourself to not think about whether you are too thick here, too skinny there – because that moment is just about pleasure?

  • Do you allow yourself to be fierce, free, unleashed, passionate, and sensual in all aspects of your life?

If there is so much unexplored potential in your sex life – what else is possible in your life overall?

This vibrancy you feel will wash over your whole life like a wave. Are you ready to want everything, conquer everything, and experience everything? To become the Pleasure Queen of your life?

Reading this, do you feel like it is time for more pleasure in your life? Hey, you are here for a reason – welcome to the Pleasure Queen Coaching!

More in the bedroom – more in life!

Facts & Figures: everything you need to know about the coaching.

  • This is an ongoing program to allow yourself to make yourself and your pleasure your one and only priority

  • The program is a mix of pre-recorded session and live elements (next live sessions will be happening mid of May till end of June 2024)

  • Energy clearings that will help you to be open to receiving things easily, with minimal effort, and filled with love

  • Pure embodiment and body exercises, which you will be following along live, fully aware and excited that other women are sharing this experience with you (and yes, of course you may turn off your mic and camera!)

  • Lifelong access to all recordings (energy clearings & all sessions)

  • Many thrilling techniques how to e.g. give yourself a pleasurable Yoni massage, breathing techniques, full body orgasms and supporting movements that you can use over and over again to fill yourself up to the brim (and beyond 😉) with your own sexual energy

  • Super easy rituals that will facilitate your connection with your lust (for life), more than you can imagine at this point – full of juiciness & sexiness – and yes, we will do more than just take a bath 😉

Bonus 1: Early Goddess Special

You are already excited to join?
You can book the Early Queen Special for €888 till 30.04.24 (payment plan available)

Bonus 2: Private and exclusive Facebook Group

The group is to connect with the other queens in the program, support and celebrate each other. It’s a lot of fun to get support on this juicy topic from other queens and allow talking about pleasure be your new normality.

Pleasure Queen Kit

  • Life-Long access to the Pleasure Queen Program

  • Energy clearings with Theta Healing to release the energic blueprint around sexuality

  • Pure embodiment and body exercises

  • Many thrilling techniques e.g. Yoni massage, breathing techniques etc.

  • Rituals for your daily life

  • Bonus 1 and 2

Early Bird Price of 888€ till 30.04.24

Early Bird Payment Plan: 12 monthly payments of 77€

If you require a different payment plan write an email to

Pleasure Queen Up-Great

  • like Pleasure Queen Kit

Additional for the Queen who knows she can have it ALL!

You're going all in, you're here for real transformation and you want EVERYTHING in your life? Then treat yourself to the Up-Great for Pleasure Queen Coaching and get the full power of ThetaHealing® for the powerful embodiment:

  • 4 individual 1:1 sessions just with you & me, so that you can fully devote yourself to the process and receive pleasure on all levels!

Up-Great price for more passion, indulgence and pleasure without compromise:

Super Early Queen Price of 2.222€ (payment plan available)

Limited spaces available!

Payment Plan - 3 monthly payments of 800€



I like to call myself a pleasure coach because our female sexuality is - or should be - THE power centre of our lives! However, not in the way most women have been taught: Penetration, in-out, thank you and goodbye.

Hey, there's a difference between sexual energy and penetration! Our sexual energy fuels our whole life, unleashes the fantastic energy that is inside every woman and makes us the superhero of our lives.

And my mission is to show YOU exactly that.